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November 05, 2008
Coleman Falls Behind by 900 300 Votes with 99% Precincts Reporting
Now Coleman's Up by Over 2000 Votes
3000+ Votes
Update: Numbers here. We may keep this one. Update: Now we're just barely losing.
Yet Another Update: With even more than 99% in, Coleman's now up by 2000+. I think he wins this one.
Also, oddly, Ted Stevens may win. Permitting Palin to appoint his successor.
Maybe Todd Palin. He can set up the house in DC for her.
Well, it looks like things aren't finished yet. As of 12:30 CST, Coleman and Franken are within 7,000 votes of each other, with Coleman ahead and 81% of precincts reporting.
I may have spoken too soon. Don't blame the cobloggers for that one, I called it early and Coleman has made a comeback. Will call it for good in the morning.
Also still waiting on the final results: Felon Ted Stevens, who may just squeak by so that Palin can appoint a replacement until a special election can be called. Again, we'll see where it's at in the morning.
Earlier posts below:
We're calling it. Al Franken is now a senator of these United States.
Late Night Update: The commenters are telling me that Coleman could still win. We'll see in the morning. I've got a whole 'nother bottle to get through between here and there.
Original Post:
Will the king of douchebags pull it out? If the exits are accurate, I'd say so.
Right now, it's
Franken 46%
Coleman 38%
With a mere 3% of precincts reporting.
Update: Still too close to call with 9% reporting, though Franken is still up. AOSHQ decision desk is waiting for the Twin City 'burbs to finish reporting and Duluth.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:53 AM
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