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October 24, 2008
Friday Flames? Burn on This Douchewad
Is anyone really surprised by this?
A nobody. I know what there are, I are one. A putz, grannylou's kid given a seat at the table by GWB.
Incidentally Mr. President, have I mentioned your occasional circle of favoritism is an inherent weakness?
I think I have.
Scotty, you're a pasty faced little fuck, but I have to admit your insistent suckage on the hind tit of politics makes it easier for me to make the charge.
That jacket on the back of the door? Just a jacket. I'm willing to guess you didn't get the significance. I don't think anyone was willing to tell you, and God knows you wouldn't have figured it out for yourself.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:41 PM
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