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October 14, 2008
Shocker: Kathleen Parker, Christopher Buckley Plucked Out of Obscurity to Become Toast of Liberal Media
Oh, how happy they are to be part of the Smart Set!
Kathleen Parker demands to know -- seriously -- "Who's funding?" Palin's new hairdo and wardrobe.
As Ann Coulter said when confronted with the fact that Kathleen Parker had turned on Palin, "The Kathleen Parker? The Kathleen Parker?"
Yes, the Kathleen Parker, a seldom quoted not-quite-conservative columnist who is now reduced to hinting that Dark Forces paid for Palin's $200 haircut.
Buckley embed below the post. "You're a great novelist," The Man with the Thrill Up His Leg enthuses over the MSM's new favorite rara avis.