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October 13, 2008
Obama's C*nt: Supporter's Vile T-Shirt Prominently Displayed on Barack Obama's Own Website
Ben Smith wrote:
I mentioned the shirts in passing earlier, and one of their creators, emailing under the name Rhiannon Volpe, objected to my suggestion that she was a Democrat:
I personally am a registered Libertarian, supporting Obama this year.
Supporting Obama? I'll say!
Here's the Number Two google hit for Rhiannon Volpe (um, yeah, and I'm Max Howitzer):
This shit is on Obama's own website.
How charming. Now, before people say he can't control every supporter...
I suppose not, and yet McCain and Palin are expected to, eh? I can guarantee you that if a supporter showed up at a rally in a "Obama is a N*gger" t-shirt, we'd hear a little something about it.
Well, it Was: Here's the Google Cache.
She's cleaned it up now.
Tell me, MSM: Will you have Monkey Man like coverage of the hate bubbling up in the Obama camp?
Thanks to KevinG. And also TomV.