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October 09, 2008
Obama's Interesting Ad Source
The internal polling for both candidates must be showing some movement up here, because the airwaves have suddenly become inundated with political advertisements.
Just tonight, I've seen ads by the RNC, DNC and both presidential campaigns. One Obama ad in particular caught my eye. The ad focuses on McCain's healthcare plan and criticizes it. As the charges flashed across the screen, on the corner was the typical media source text. This ad featured just one source: Time/Klein: 9/11/08. This post in particular.
Joe Klein? Really, Obama?
The Joe Klein that called McCain's campaign "stupidly aggressive, but unprofessional in the extreme?"
The Joe Klein that criticized McCain's "mercurial temperament" while praising Obama's "utterly confident and unflappable" performance during the debate?
The Joe Klein that wrote the following? "John McCain has raised serious questions about whether he has the character to lead the nation. He has defaced his beloved military code of honor. He has run a dirty campaign."
The Joe Klein that said he's "given up any hope of McCain running an honest campaign?"
The Joe Klein that called Sarah Palin "Embarracuda" and accused the McCain campaign of being a "desperate empty embarrassment?"
The Joe Klein that called the GOP convention an "extremely effective bilge festival?"
And the Joe Klein that in the post quoted in the ad, who also said he would no longer spend time "wasting space on Senator Honor's daily lies and bilge (He really likes that word - ed.)" or "the sewage that Steve Schmidt is shoveling?"
Maybe it's just me, but the writings of Joe Klein do not exactly seem a credible or rational source upon which to base an advertisement. Just try to imagine the howls from the media and the left that would ensue if McCain were to use the writings of Rush Limbaugh or Bill Kristol to attack an Obama policy.

posted by Slublog at
12:13 AM
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