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McCain Holding Back on Fannie and Freddie? Um... Wait For It »
October 02, 2008
It was a fight between a manly man and a sissy girl, and the manly man won! [Tushar]
Sarah just proved that she is more man than anyone the Dems can field.
Biden pouted and cried like a sissy girl. He played the gender card and got emotional.
Biden: Old and busted. Palin: New hotness
He has just proved that Obama made a big blunder by picking him as a running mate.
If the Vice Presidency is a bucket of warm spit, Obama has certainly found the right man to fill that role.
Sarah won this by a mile. This was her first unscripted moment on national stage and she proved herself.
This makes me wonder how many good answers Gibson and Couric left on the cutting table.
It would be interesting to see how the MSM spins their insistance that Palin is dumb.
Was Biden better with points? Maybe. But who in the audience noticed that?
Biden mostly made wonkish points that will give boners to Washington insiders.
Sarah talked in a language ordinary Americans understand.
Even fluffy Plouffe agreed (sort of) that Sarah did good.
McCain's chances just went way up.
McCain has taken a big hit by suspending his campaign to work on the economic crisis.
This debate makes up for that.
Update by Vinnie: Excellent post by Tushar, but, a picture is worth a thousand words:

posted by xgenghisx at
11:18 PM
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