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Sorry About That »
September 28, 2008
Obama's Me-Too Bracelet? The Family Wants Him to Take It Off, Stop Talking About It
Obama needs to apologize for this right now. He ineptly tried to use the memory of a fallen soldier to score points against McCain at Friday's debate, but it turns out the mother of Sgt. Ryan David Jopek had already asked him to stop doing that.
Brian Jopek: Because of some of the negative feedback she's gotten on the Internet, you know Internet blogs, you know people accusing her of... or accusing Obama of trying to get votes doing it... and that sort of thing.
Radio Host Moberg: Yeah
Jopek: She has turned down any subsequent interviews with the media because she just didn't want it to get turned into something that it wasn't. She had told me in an email that she had asked, actually asked Mr. Obama to not wear the bracelet any more at any of his public appearances. Which I don't think he's...
Moberg: It has been a while since he's brought it up.
Jopek: Right. But, the other night I was watching the news and he was on, uh, speaking somewhere and he was still wearing it on his right wrist. I could see it on his right wrist. So, that's his own choice. I mean that's something Barack Obama, that's a choice that he continues to wear it despite Tracy asking him not to... Because she is a Barack Obama supporter and she didn't want to do anything to sabotage his campaign, so, if he's still wearing the bracelet then, uh, that of course is entirely up to him.
What a slimeball.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
11:03 AM
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