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September 28, 2008
Does America want love from the world? Can the world really love us? [Tushar]
Obama, like, John Kerry, is desperate for the world to love America.
Individuals have feelings like love and hatred for each other. Countries are entities incapable of feeling such emotions.
What the world 'feels' about America (or any other country) can be summed up as the general perception of rulers of various nations about America. These rulers don't act out of love or hatred. They act out of fear or lack of it. Members of the ruling clique may have feelings of love, hatred or (in rare cases) respect for other countries. The common people always have some level of feeling for other countries or their populace.
But love and hatred? Not between countries.
McCain knows that the world cannot love or hate us. All they can do is act out of fear, or lack of it. He would rather have the assholes of the world fear us.
This is the fundamental difference between the realists and dreamers like Obama who thinks he can make the world swoon to his tune.
Clinton probably understood this too, but I doubt he was engaged enough with world affairs to drive US foreign policy based on this understanding.
He presided over a period of unprecedented peace where American supremacy went pretty much unquestioned. I would have felt more comfortable with Hillary as the Dem nominee. With Obama, we cannot take a chance.
P.S.: Christoph, who is a canadian, used the term 'us' when referring to republicans, and some other commenter pointed out that Christoph is not an American.
What a childish thing to do. If anyone is tempted to point out my use of the term 'us'.... don't.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:37 AM
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