� Sobering News about the Number 2 issue After the Economy. [krakatoa] |
SNL Palin, Again �
September 28, 2008
LOLcats Goes Commercial; also conducts leveraged buyout of Wachovia Bank (genghis)
(note: I re-did the title of this post, which is a no-no, but the original didn't make much sense)
Oh hai! We can haz money?
Yep. It�s come down to this. Welcome to the new economy.
�When you LOL at silly pictures of cats with even sillier captions, Ben Huh laughs all the way to the bank.�
�For the uninitiated, that's Web shorthand for "laugh out loud," an abbreviation that is common in e-mails, instant messages and online chat rooms. Huh, a Seattle entrepreneur, has built a mini-empire on the unique brand of humor illustrated by the "LOLcats" craze: photos with captions punctuated by deliberately misspelled words and mangled phrases.�
Um, words fail me here. So here�s an �emoticon� }:)>
Let�s continue, shall we?
�Since buying I Can Has Cheezburger, Huh has added companion sites devoted to dogs, politics and really bad translations of English, among others. A fan favorite is Fail Blog, in which people take joy in others' mishaps.�
And finally, we have this:
�Still, investors are betting more than $2 million that the company, which Huh says breaks even, has staying power.
"Humor is one of those things that is recession-proof," said investor Geoff Entress.
But he says Huh and his team still face a major challenge: continuing to tickle funny bones in different ways so users and advertisers keep coming back for more.
Ada Courtney, 43, a self-described domestic goddess with four cats and two dogs from Rapid City, S.D., made her first Cheezburger entry a year ago. Since then she has added more than 1,100. Her cat captions have hit the front page five times and her dog captions six.
"When I first started looking through the site, I was thinking, 'Good Lord, do these people need lives?' " Courtney said. "Now I see the total attraction of it. It's one of the most wonderful things I have ever done."�
We. Are. Fucking. Doomed.
Also, if interested you can still contribute to the LOLcat Bible translation project.
artist�s depiction of kitteh
posted by xgenghisx at
05:02 AM
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