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September 23, 2008
Dangerously Unprepared Vice Presidential Candidate Embarrasses Herself With Steady Stream of Ignorant, Dishonest Gaffes
Did I say "herself"? I meant "himself."
Joe Biden: We don't support clean coal. Barack Obama's stated position is that he (and therefore "we") does support clean coal.
Joe Biden: FDR appeared on the television to reassure the nation during the 1929 stock market crash. More at Instapundit, including a fun fact: Herbert Hoover was in fact the first public official to ever appear on a televised transmission.
Joe Biden repeats his Terror at Two Thousand Feet war story.
I've already dealt with that here. According to his own spokesman at the time, it wasn't even an "emergency landing." It was merely an "unscheduled landing," due to snow. There was no danger and no incident worth mentioning.
However, Biden continues saying,
“If you want to know where Al Qaeda lives, you want to know where Bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me,” Biden said. “Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are.”
The lie he's telling is that he knows where Al Qaeda is because Al Qaeda forced down his helicopter. That is the clear implication of the tale; that is the impression he means to leave crowds with.
Unless Al Qaeda now has a Weather Machine, it's a lie.
Joe Biden is a preening metrosexual sissy who hasn't experienced a dangerous moment in his life (except of course for the likely catastrophe every time he opens his lying, ignorant mouth). So he's pretending he had some sort of death-duel with Al Qaeda in Waziristan.
Pathetic. A man of his advanced age still telling absurd hero stories, easily disproven.
Perhaps Joe Biden needs to be hidden from the press.
Of course, the Obama campaign has already cleverly taken care of that, because no one gives any credence to anything that fumbles out of this buffoonish dolt's drooling idiotmouth.
FDR's Famously Televised Fireside Chats: Proof Biden was right!
So why isn't this getting more play? Because no one watched MSNBC in 1929, either.
Thanks to Natalie.
Biden vs. Obama on AIG Bailout: Give Slow Biden a break -- dissent is the highest form of patriotism.