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September 23, 2008
Press Strangely Non-Whiny about Obama's Private Meetings
When Barack Obama had his magical mystery tour of Europe, he met with foreign leaders. Here's an interesting nugget about those meetings from the NYTimes:
On his second visit to Israel, he sought to reassure voters of his capacity to serve on the international stage. The audience for the trip, despite a private series of dawn-to-dusk meetings, clearly was the American electorate as much as the foreign leaders.
Interesting contrast. They simply reported the meetings were private. No demand for access, no
snarky blog posts about how long they were allowed into the meeting. No votes to ban coverage. When Obama met with the Prime Minister of Pakistan,
the meeting was private as well. The British press even wrote a story
about the privacy of the meeting with Gordon Brown.
I must have missed the part where the media pouted and stamped their feet about being cut out of that meeting.
And he's the presidential candidate for the Democrats, so his meetings should be considered even more newsworthy to the press, right?
Newsbusters noticed the same trend.
Funny how their outrage seems to be so darned selective, isn't it?

posted by Slublog at
01:59 PM
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