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Press Strangely Non-Whiny about Obama's Private Meetings »
September 23, 2008
McCain Loses His Base. The Media Are Mad At Him. Really Mad. UPDATE: McCain Camp Backs Down On Restrictions
One of the joys of this campaign (and for conservatives there have been damn few) is watching all the effort McCain put into courting the press (often at the expense of Republicans and conservatives) go down in flames.
After weeks of on going sniping between the press and the McCain camp over access to Palin and even McCain himself as well as the McCain camp's shots at the press, the media have decided to strike back. They are in effect boycotting Palin’s meetings at the UN.
Reporters are currently being kept away from Palin's meetings tomorrow with world leaders. (Palin is scheduled to meet Afghan President Karzai and Colombia President Alvaro Uribe, among others.)
The campaign is permitting a camera -- with no editorial presence -- inside the meetings. In protest of the McCain camp's edict to refuse to allow an editorial presence in the room, the news networks voted Tuesday to ban use of photographs/video of Palin's meetings.
Let’s get this straight. After three weeks of claiming everything about Palin is news, demanding access to her and pointing out she has little to no foreign policy experience, they are refusing to show images of her meeting with two American allies? Are photos of her at these meetings really not newsworthy? Of course they are. The media are simply skewing their coverage because they don’t like her, and they are mad they aren’t getting to talk to her. Talk about not even pretending any more.
So Senator McCain, was it worth kicking Republicans and conservatives in the balls all those years simply to curry favor with the press?
Sadly, it probably was. McCain is where he wants to be and thanks to the fact the Democrats have nominated an unreconstructed leftist, conservatives will probably stand by McCain.
God I hate the media.
UPDATE: McCain Camp backed down.
The McCain campaign eventually relented after the television networks threatened to ban and not use any footage of Palin meeting with leaders.
...After the television networks strenuously objected to the McCain campaign's effort to block any editorial presence from the room, the McCain campaign finally allowed one CNN pool camera and one pool producer into the meeting room.
As she arrived for her meeting with Karzai, Palin avoided reporters who were camped out at the main front entrance of the hotel, instead pulling up in a motorcade to a side entrance and quickly sneaking inside.
If only conservatives could get that kind of influence over McCain!
Related (well, related enough): Joe Biden rewrites the timeline.
Let's play a game of..."If Palin had Said This". No, there won't be any breathless pieces about how dumb Biden is, it's just Joe being Joe. Oh and remember...he's got a higher IQ than you do.

posted by DrewM. at
12:20 PM
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