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Update: Nope, I'm Wrong »
September 12, 2008
Good News for Obama? He's Up Over McCain 48 to 45 Among Likely Voters
Bad News? In New Jersey
And That. Is. That.
Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama Leads Republican Opponent John McCain by 7 Percentage Points in New Jersey: With 15 electoral votes up for grabs in New Jersey, 47% of registered voters in the state say they support Senator Barack Obama for president while 40% say they back Senator John McCain.
That’s the same margin in New Jersey with which former Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry beat President George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential election. However, Obama’s lead shrinks when looking at likely voters, including those who are leaning toward a specific candidate. 48% of likely voters support Obama while 45% are behind McCain.
Shrinkage: Poll round-up and a snapshot of Obama's ever-shrinking "57 State Strategy."
At current trajectory, Obama will have to fight like the dickens to snag the three electoral votes of the Bayonne, NJ Ikea.
(NOTE: The three electoral votes are, respectively, the SVENGDMOR, the MULFGROVSK, and the ULLNSKOEN models. Note that Ikea's electoral votes do not come with the required bed-slats, which must be purchased separately.)
Giggle: Well, Obama's still up in the "Kos Research 2000 Daily Tracking Poll" of, ahem, likely voters.
I'm not kidding. Kos has a tracking poll. Who knew?