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September 08, 2008
The Existential Threat of Sarah Palin
Melanie Philips:
Not only is she young, attractive, clever, witty and feisty; her love for her Down's Syndrome baby embodies hope for the future.
As for her pregnant 17-year-old daughter's proposed shotgun wedding, the priority there is the welfare of the unborn child.
By contrast, the 'right to choose' feminist Left, which also thinks all women have a right to deprive a baby of its father, appears not just callous and selfish, but even downright murderous.
Which is why so-called 'progressives' on both sides of the Atlantic have gone into paroxysms of rage and panic over Sarah Palin.
For she has taken the supposed characteristics of the Left - youth, dynamism, change, excitement and social conscience - and presented them as conservative virtues.
Since the Left habitually shores up its own position by demonising conservatives as nasty, backward-looking, mean-spirited, lifedenying, prejudiced, stupid and boring, it recognises her as a mortal threat - not just to Obama but to its whole political platform.