Biden: Life Begins at Conception »
September 07, 2008
New Rallying Cry from DKos: "It's not about Palin, it's about McCain!"
Panic at the disco.
You, Sir, are a goof.
Summary: People want a summary. I don't have one. There's just the headline and a bit of obvious crap and then an anti-McCain video.
The point is that they're just figuring out they're running against McCain, not Palin.
Well... I mean, yeah, both. But the change in emphasis is funny.
Palin Derangement Syndrome Strikes: At DU.
I just refused a sale to a couple of 'pukes.
This couple was strolling around the Gallery, picking up things and talking about them.
The woman actually held a blown-glass conch shell to her ear and commented to her husband that it "must not be real, because I can't hear the ocean". That's when I decided that they were idiots and not worth any expenditure of energy on my part.
They finally walked up with a shallow Moroccan bowl, a beautiful piece.
When the woman reached into her purse to retrieve a credit card, I noticed a "Sarah in '08" pin affixed to her purse. So I asked her where she got it and she said she made it on her computer (I was, until today, unaware that one could do that).
So I said, "That's a joke, right?".
And she replied that Sarah Palin is America's only hope for salvation.
I pointed to the doors and said, "The sidewalk is right out there. Enjoy your stay in Tiburon".
The husband said they would just like to take the bowl, please.
I told him that the bowl could surely find a better home, and was - for the time being - not for sale.
He asked me if I was really going to turn down a $1,200 sale because of a difference in political ideology.
I did.
Congratulations. You passed up $1,200 in exchange for a crudely-made bowl crafted by dirty foreigners. And the bowl probably has AIDS.
Some responses:
You must be in heaven! :)
Good for you! Hell, if you could have afforded it, you should have broken in front of them! n/t
Not wanting to seem unappreciative... but, assuming you're not maxed out, you could have taken the entire proceeds and donated it to the Obama campaign. Wouldn't that be a better way to get even?
[Orginal Poster responds:] No.
The bowl is a masterpiece and deserves a better Home.
Thanks to Slu.
Ungreat Minds Think Alike Too: From Kos' lips to Andi's ears:
In The End, It's About McCain
As Detestable Andi already has a column written on this theme, he didn't get it from Kos (per se...). But I thought I'd mention it anyway. It's almost as if they all share some sort of internet chatroom together, like some large... I don't know... virtual Townhouse or something...