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September 05, 2008
Democrats Keep Hope Alive! Push Idea Palin May Still Get The Eagleton Treatment
Apparently the suuuuppper-geniuses at Obama-Biden HQ don't watch TV. Or read the papers. Or surf the internets.
In memos, e-mails and phone calls this week, Obama campaign officials have urged surrogates and allies to mention Republicans who are "nervous" about the Palin pick and to link those worries to George McGovern's aborted vice presidential pick of Thomas Eagleton in 1972, according to three Democratic surrogates.
That year, McGovern rescinded the pick after learning that Eagleton had been treated for depression. Questions about the thoroughness of the Palin vet have been raised, particularly about how and when Palin disclosed the news that her teenage daughter is pregnant and whether Palin's political resume had been thoroughly scrubbed.
Allow me to offer this bit of advice to the Obama camp...if anyone should be worried about being thrown off the ticket, it's McCain. Now of course that's not going to happen but the fact that after everything that happened the Democrats still think their crap is going to work, they are dumber than I thought. Honestly, I didn't know that was possible.
Note to Joe Biden...remember that Eagleton was a Democrat. Take Rudy's advice, get that VP thing in writing.

posted by DrewM. at
02:37 PM
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