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September 05, 2008
Rasmussen: Obama's Bounce, We Hardly Knew Ye
Bumped: Gallup showing the same trend
Statistical dead heat.
he Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows the beginning of John McCain’s convention bounce and the race is essentially back where it was before Barack Obama’s bounce. Obama now attracts 46% of the vote while McCain earns 45%. When "leaners" are included, it’s Obama 48%, McCain 46% (see recent daily results)...
Both Obama and McCain are now viewed favorably by 57% of the nation’s voters (see trends). However, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is viewed favorably by 58%--a point more than either Presidential hopeful. Forty percent (40%) have a Very Favorable opinion of her.
I wonder if Palin's popularity will lead
Oprah Winfrey to change her mind about having the Alaska governor on her show. Since Winfrey is a devoted follower of Community Organizer Barack Obama, I'm guessing no.
Update - Yesterday? The One: 49, McCain: 42. Today, The One: 48, McCain: 44.
How much has the Palin pick rattled the community organizer? This much.
What I find interesting is that despite the near-ludicrous hype, Obama has not proven to be a breakaway candidate like Bill Clinton, who jumped anywhere from 12-16 points after his convention and never really looked back. We've been told that the electorate is hungry for change and they're angry at the GOP, but they seem reluctant to embrace the "change" candidate.

posted by Slublog at
01:43 PM
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