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May 28, 2008
HuffPo Still Supportin' the Troops
Charles Johnson wonders why they didn't disable comments in a post in which an Iraq soldier discusses his kills. That's just baiting the HuffPosters to show their support of the troops, isn't it?
LGF has the link and more quotes. I might have added a quote here or there.
May God send this country and its people their just rewards. This country is built on other people’s refuse, other people’s criminals. They didn“t teach you in school about ”indentured servitude“; this is how the UK emptied its prisons. In the South of the US the white population is predominantly Irish, Scottish riffraff, low life, criminals, racist Goobers.
Let me remind you: ”Give me your tired, your poor ...Your huddled masses... The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.... Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me". And they sure sent them here!!
I'm literally crying hot tears. The only thing keeping me from losing it altogether is the comforting pressure of the Boba Fett action figure lodged firmly up my ass.
They were trained to be killers, that is what they do, many video’s are out on sites that show tiny babies mutilated by our men. Many stories, it is what Bush, Cheney wanted, that is how they are trained as are the Latino’s they are training in Georgia for Bush right now, killers, that is why 1800 a month are trying to commit suicide, they cannot live with what they have seen or maybe have done, very sad. Bush has his people do his mass murders for him, he tortured frogs when a young child and we know the profile of a serial killer always tortures animals when young, so now Bush has it all ways, frogs, our young men,the Iraq people,Gitmo, when will people stop him by Impeach.org
I can't take it anymore. As a protest against Bush and his Kristian Kommando Killers, I just stuck a Jango Fett figure up my ass too.
Does that make me gay? Or, if not gay, at least Mandalorian?
to invade, occupy, and murder innocent people has become an art form for our all volunteer military.
Okay, I don't know what I was thinking with the Jabba the Hutt Action Playset. I guess I overestimated my commitment to ending this repulsive war. And also, the maximum volume of my duodenum.
This is repulsive. Individuals are ultimately responsible for their actions. While i applaud those that step forward to tell the truth, is it really a surprise to anyone? Abu Ghraib was only a preview of what was to come, not an anomaly.
The time to remove the halo and silence the hero worship rhetoric has long passed. We are funding genocide with every tax dollar we pay.
Shame on the US.
Anyone know a good proctologist? Like the kind who wouldn't laugh at you if you said you stumbled and fell down on a Star Destroyer which just happened to be pointing upwards directly at your, you know, "Death Star Exhaust Port"?
The funny thing is that they do, in fact, support actual murderers, such as Che Guevera and Abu Jamal Mumia.
So heroes are murderers and murderers are heroes.
Thanks to CJ.
Clarification/Correction: I meant to write he was an Iraq soldier, a US solidier in Iraq, not an Iraqi soldier. Apologies for the error.
Thanks to The Sniper, who's digging up info on this Winter Soldier nut.