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UK Teens dying in "Knife Wars" [krakatoa] »
May 25, 2008
Mars Touchdown [krakatoa]
The first rocket-assisted landing on Mars since 1976.
"A signal has been detected from Phoenix indicating that the lander is on the surface of Mars."
It's a shame we as a society, hell, as a world, have lost so much interest in what is truly our only salvation as a species. We should have colonies established on the moon by now.
And most distressing of all: My garage still has no flying car parked in it.
Update. Just in case any of you morons are too drunk to be able to type www.nasa.gov.
UPDATE II: Phoenix images.
The first two are part a conceptual series by Phoenix, exploring the existential nature of a digital machine in an analog universe.
Left: I Kan Haz Military Channel ; and Right: My Left Foot - One small step for Martian lander, one giant leap for Skynet.
Also, Phoenix has discovered life on Mars, and it is aggressive. I think most of us at AoS will be just fine with our new overlords though.
Me invade you long time.

posted by xgenghisx at
08:16 PM
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