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May 22, 2008
McCain Rejects And Denounces Rev. Hagee
Kind of inevitable after the whole "Hitler was a hunter" thing.
And making lemonade out lemons, McCain uses his statement to remind people about Obma and Wright.
Obviously, I find these remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible, and I repudiate them. I did not know of them before Reverend Hagee's endorsement, and I feel I must reject his endorsement as well. I have said I do not believe Sen. Obama shares Reverend Wright's extreme views. But let me also be clear, Reverend Hagee was not and is not my pastor or spiritual adviser, and I did not attend his church for twenty years. I have denounced statements he made immediately upon learning of them, as I do again today
Is Hagee really a big deal in evangelical circles? Personally, I wouldn't recognize the guy if I ran him over on the street but as a lapsed Papist I am not in the demo he was supposed to help with. More importantly (or frighteningly), does this make it more necessary or likely for McCain to put Huckabee on the ticket?

posted by DrewM. at
04:41 PM
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