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May 19, 2008
Obama: My Bad, I Meant to Say Iran is a "Grave Threat"
Obama repeatedly stressed the risk posed by Iran, as he suggested that danger has grown because of policies supported by McCain.
"Iran is a grave threat. It has an illicit nuclear program. It supports terrorism across the region and militias in Iraq. It threatens Israel's existence. It denies the Holocaust," he said. "The reason Iran is so much more powerful than it was a few years ago is because of the Bush-McCain policy of fighting in Iraq and refusing to pursue direct diplomacy with Iran. They're the ones who have not dealt with Iran wisely."
There's that judgment coming through again.
It's fairly plain that Obama's previous statement is the one he actually believes, and that this "correction" is what he is being forced to say by his staff and other Democrats.
But of course this is all just a "distraction" from the real issues.