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May 13, 2008
It's Official: Microsoft now owns the Universe (genghis)
Google Earth? Ha! Match this, dirt eaters.
In an effort to make you even less productive at work (as if that's possible), and distract you from the various failings of Vista, Microsoft has released WorldWide Telescope
WorldWide Telescope, developed by Microsoft's research arm, knits together images from the Hubble Space Telescope, the Chandra X-Ray Observatory Center, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and others.
Computer users can browse through the galaxy on their own or take guided tours of different outer-space destinations developed by astronomers and academics.
Naturally, most of you will stumble into a black hole and never be heard from again, but that just frees up bandwith for the rest of us.
Breaking: LauraW is a dork.

posted by xgenghisx at
11:19 AM
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