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Obama's Blamed Ten Flip-Flops and Gaffes on His Staffers �
May 12, 2008
"Good People Sleep Peaceably In Their Beds At Night Only Because Rough Men Stand Ready To Do Violence On Their Behalf."
Sometimes those good people included other servicemen and women.
Corporal Jonathan T. Yale and Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter, both US Marines, stood ready and gave their lives to save others.
A truck packed with thousands of pounds of explosives entered the area where Haerter and Yale were standing guard. Realizing the vehicles intentions Haerter and Yale, without hesitation, stood their ground, drew their weapons and fired at the vehicle. The truck rolled to a stop and exploded, killing the two Marines.
�In the face of a committed enemy, Haerter and Yale stood their ground, in turn saving the lives of numerous Marines, Sailors, Iraqi policemen, and civilians. Both Marines displayed heroic, self-sacrificing actions and truly lived up to the Corps' values of honor, courage, and commitment.
�They saved all of our lives; if it wasn�t for them that gate probably wouldn�t have held,� Tupaj said. �The explosion blew out all of the windows over 150 meters from where the blast hit. If that truck had made it into the compound, there would�ve been a lot more casualties. They saved everyone�s life here.�
Blackfive has the whole story.
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posted by DrewM. at
03:04 PM
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