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May 11, 2008
Ronulans: The Gift That Keeps on Giving (genghis)
(like herpes, but not as fun to get)
We can has delegates?
Action alert for Professor Science's minions to get themselves seated as delegates at the Republican National convention (instructions are specifically for the Washington State Republican convention)
Some highlights:
Do not wear Ron Paul Gear- You are the candidate and you are running for a delegate position. Create your own election flyer or card with you as the candidate running for delegate…you can list credentials- soccer coach, bible study teacher, veteran, home schooler etc etc..
Do not mention the war, as this is a sensitive issue that will allow the other delegates to identify you as a Ron Paul supporter. And this will also serve to polarize our Ron Paul slate from other conservatives in at the convention. Represent a strong stance against Bin Laden and al-Qaeda, as conservatives love to hear these kinds of things. Also talk about LOCAL issues…Gregoires bizarra Park plan, property rights, You can mention monetary policy, national ID cards, the protection of civil liberties, NAFTA, immigration, etc. These are issues that conservatives will be receptive to and they are also issues that Republicans need to hear about.
Again, Make no mention of the Iraq War- You will see how quickly the crowd will turn on you, and more importantly refuse to vote for you.
Courtesy of Sound Politics and found via Orbusmax.
Update: Apparently the site containing the "instructions" has been taken down. However, what happens on the web, stays on the web, and there are copies. Nice try, though.

posted by xgenghisx at
06:25 AM
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