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May 12, 2008
13 Year Old Runs Up $30,000 in Bogus Charges On His Dad's Credit Card, Including Hiring Hookers [eddiebear]
It turns out the boy ordered and extra card from his dad's account, and ran up the charges.Included in the charges was a call to an escort service for him and his friends.
Now, that in itself would make an awesome story. But, the kid lost major awesomeness points when it was revealed what he really did with the hookers.
The escort girls who were released without charge, told the arresting officers something was up when the kids said they would rather play Xbox than get down to business.
So, what tipped off the cops that something might be up?
Police said they were alerted to the motel by a concerned delivery clerk, whom after delivering supplies of Dr Pepper, Fritos and Oreos had been asked by the kids where they could score some chicks and were willing to pay. They explained they had just made a big score at a "World of Warcraft" tournament and wanted to get some relaxation. On noting the boys age the delivery clerk informed the authorities.
When police arrived at the motel they found $3,000 in cash, numerous electronic gadgets, an Xbox video console with numerous games, and the two local escort girls.
And what story did the boys tell the hookers? Businessmen? Rich nephew of a Kennedy?
Asked why he ordered two escorts, Ralph said he thought it was the thing to do when you win a "World of Warcraft" tournament. They told the suspicious working girls they were people of restricted growth working with a traveling circus, and as State law does not allow those with disabilities to be discriminated against they had no right to refuse them.
And what is this young man's ambition in life?
Ralph's ambition is to one day become a politician.
Well played! Well Played!
So, let's recap:
Credit card fraud. Hookers. Not being sure what to do with the hookers. Choosing video games over sex with hookers. Circus Midgets. Political ambitions.
I smell a future member of the Ace of Spades Lifestyle, Vice-President Edition!
Bumped. I just posted this again, not realizing it had gone up yesterday. So I'll just bump the original.

posted by xgenghisx at
02:13 PM
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