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April 29, 2008
Obama Adviser Cornell West Enthusiastically Cheered Jeremiah Wright At Yesterday's Disastrous Press Conference
Update: West Wrote Essay Praising James Cone's "By Any Means Necessary" Farrakhanite Call to (Literal) Arms
Of course not. Wright's sin in Obama's eyes wasn't holding a Marxist, lunatic vision of America the Evil. It was just that he didn't keep his mouth shut like a good soldier.
So everyone in the MSM will keep pretending that Obama was shocked, shocked to find radical black Marxist separatism among his radical black Marxist separatist advisers.
These Aren't the Marxist Liberation Theology Pastors You're Looking For: Obama's Jedi Mind Trick, claiming that Wright has "changed," doesn't fool the Weekly Standard.
A High Tech Lynching: At least according to the new pastor at Trinity, Barack Obama led the lynching party.
Everywhere Is Turning Up Marxists: Rick writes:
If I remember correctly Cornell West is a Black Liberation Theology advocate. I know he’s written the first essay in Black Faith and Public Talk Critical Essays on James H. Cone’s Black Theology and Black Power edited by Dwight N. Hopkins.
Rick does indeed remember correctly. You can browse through Amazon's excerpts from this book, where Cornell West heaps praise upon it, calling it "towering."