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April 23, 2008
Percentage of Americans Concerned About Global Warming Roughly Same As It Was 19 Years Ago
According to a Gallup poll, about one-third. And global warming didn't even top their list of concerns, it came in 9th behind things like drinking water pollution and other water concerns, the loss of natural habitat for wildlife, air pollution, rain forests, the ozone layer, orangutans and breakfast cereals.
ALSO: Blizzard harshes mellow for Earth Day celebrants.
Of course a major focus of Earth Day is global warming. But it turns out about 40 people at an Earth Day celebration Sunday in Edmonton, Canada, had to cram themselves into a single tent after a blizzard forced them to abandon their outside locations.
That would certainly cause some voodoo-like shrinkage.
Thanks to James.

posted by Dave In Texas at
11:45 AM
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