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April 18, 2008
WaPo Fires Unmasked Kissing Suzy Kolber Blogger For Bringing "Discredit" Upon the Paper
They seem pretty much like tightass buzzkill narcs, as "Christmas Ape," now self-revealed as writer Michael Tunison, says. Apparently (though I don't know for sure) they were shocked, shocked to find a young-ish man getting wasted in his off hours and posing with sports mascots.

Evidence of the crime
Caution: Some not-safe-for-work language after the jump.
I don't follow this particular blog so I don't know if Christmas Ape brought "discredit" on the paper in other ways. For example, in this post announcing his firing, he links to NSFW dick tattoos including some chick giving head via the link "Cunt Puncher tattoos." (Cunt Puncher = Dick.)
I don't have any problem with that, Lord knows, and "Cunt Puncher" may work its way into my active vocabulary (but not on the blog-- gotta keep that clean to preserve my electability), but I suppose a narrow-ass organization with lots of PC feminist nonsense might find that sort of thing "discrediting." They have the right to do this, I concede.
But why do it?
Shocker: A youngish man has an interest in alcohol, pussy, and funny pictures of tattoos on penises. Alert the media. Oh, I guess they were already alerted.
Is the Washington Post really thinking that, absent a blog revealing such dark secrets, we'd all believe their reporters are teetotalers (hah!) or either all devoted to their spouses with no extramarital affairs (giggle) or entirely celibate (hah... well okay I can believe this about a lot of reporters, Dana Milbank in particular).
What "discredit" are they actually imagining here? The only discredit that's actually going on is due to their reaction, acting like a bunch of priggish martinets over something that doesn't even rise to the level of bad behavior.
Sure, he joked that print news was a dying medium. Well, it is (see top sidebar story). Seems like they're upset that one of their own dared to joke about the situation.
Which is part of the attitude that makes print news a dying medium in the first place.
Whatta bunch of stupid cunt punchers.