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April 16, 2008
An Aussie's Admiration [dri]
Over at Blackfive, an email quoting an Australian trooper stationed in Iraq (and his father) has some very complimentary things to say about the American soldiers he has interacted with during his deployment.
"The Yanks (I hope you don't mind me using that word) are so professional from the top to the bottom that it is almost embarrassing to be in their company, and to call yourself a soldier....don't get me wrong, we are good at what we do but the Yanks are so much better.....they are complete at what they do, how they do it and their attitude is awesome....they don't complain they just get on with the job and they do it right."
“I carry a Minimi (SAW) so I am not real worried about a confrontation but I tell you I feel safer just knowing that the US Marines are close by....If we got into trouble I know that our boys would come running and we could deal with it but they would probably be passed by a load of Hummers. No questions asked, no glory sought, the Americans would just fight with us and for us because that is their nature, to protect those in need of protection."
The father of the Aussie soldier not only expresses his son's appreciation for the fine job our soldiers are doing over there but also reveals his own evolving esteem:
"...I say to you, as a foreigner and outsider, a nation is only a collection of its people and its attitude is the attitude of its people, collectively and as individuals. I am really glad you are here on this Earth and I respect you as a nation and as people."
It is good to hear that the Aussie's regard us as highly as we regard them.

posted by xgenghisx at
05:51 PM
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