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April 15, 2008
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Breasts Threaten To Burst Out of Dress, Capture Poland

Left to Right: the Right One, the Left One
Like most women, she's surprised anyone noticed:
German Chancellor Angela Merkel did not predict that the dress she wore to the opera on Saturday -- with its very plunging neckline -- would draw as much attention as it did.
"The chancellor was a bit surprised that this evening dress caused such a splash" Thomas Steg, the government's deputy spokesman, told reporters Monday.
"That wasn't the chancellor's intention," Steg assured reporters, adding: "When there's nothing more important in the world to talk about than an evening dress, then you probably can't help it."
Photos of Merkel's cleavage provided fodder for headlines around the world. The Daily Mail British tabloid, for example, ran the title "Merkel's Weapons of Mass Distraction."
I'd hit that like the Luftwaffe hit Madrid.
Well... okay. Maybe not. But for a chancellor, she's hittable. Beats Von Hindenburg all to hell, I can tell you that. He was only a C-cup.
Hot Air.