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This Stupid Thing Again »
April 12, 2008
Finally! Bill Introduced Permitting Liberals to Pay More in Taxes!
Of course, they could have been paying more in taxes all along; the IRS won't jail you for slipping them an extra five or ten grand. Oddly enough, most liberals engage in the same tax-minimization behavior as people who proclaim their distaste for taxes.
But perhaps it wasn't explicit enough that liberals were permitted to give more of their hard-earned pay to the state than the minimum demanded; or perhaps it wasn't convenient enough to do so.
A new bill just introduced -- The Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Bill (seriously, that's the unofficial name) -- will help our despondent liberal friends pay that additional 10% tithe (or more) to the StateChurch that they've always wanted to pay but just didn't see what box to enter their bonus largesse into.