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April 10, 2008
China To International Olympic Committee…Mind Your Own Business
The head of the IOC says the games are in ‘crisis’ given the international reaction to the Olympic Torch Run and the Chinese government isn’t happy the IOC notices the obvious.
It was "not the joyous party that we had wished it to be," (IOC President Jacques) Rogge said in Beijing, nevertheless insisting that the torch relay -- disrupted by protests in Greece, London, Paris and San Francisco -- would go on.
He also told a news conference that China -- under fire over a crackdown in Tibet and a host of other issues -- had promised that winning the right to host the Games would lead to an improvement in human rights.
"We definitely ask China to respect this moral engagement," he added.
Foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told reporters that Rogge's view of a "crisis" might have been exaggerated, and made it clear China would not engage in a discussion on its human rights performance.
"I believe IOC officials support the Beijing Olympics and adherence to the Olympic charter of not bringing in any irrelevant political factors," she said.
Yeah well boohoo for China. They wanted these games because they wanted to be seen as a member in good standing of the world community and they simply aren’t. They got the games because of politics and the desire of corporate sponsors to break in to the Chinese market, now they both have to deal with the political fallout
Neither the sponsors or the IOC should be shocked when they are slammed for getting in bed with a despotic and murderous regime.
Below the fold, McCain issues a statement.
Good for him
...If Chinese policies and practices do not change, I would not attend the opening ceremonies. It does no service to the Chinese government, and certainly no service to the people of China, for the United States and other democracies to pretend that the suppression of rights in China does not concern us. It does, will and must concern us.”

posted by DrewM. at
02:42 PM
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