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April 10, 2008
Okay, You Stupid Moronbrains, Let's See If This Gets Your Attention: GLOBAL WARMING TO DRIVE UP PRICE OF BEER
Are you scared now, Idiots?
The price of beer is likely to rise in coming decades because climate change will hamper the production of a key grain needed for the brew — especially in Australia, a scientist warned Tuesday.
Jim Salinger, a climate scientist at New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, said climate change likely will cause a decline in the production of malting barley in parts of New Zealand and Australia. Malting barley is a key ingredient of beer.
“It will mean either there will be pubs without beer or the cost of beer will go up,” Mr. Salinger told the Institute of Brewing and Distilling convention.
New Zealand and Australian brewer Lion Nathan's corporate affairs director Liz Read said climate change already was forcing up the price of malted barley, sugar, aluminum and sugar.
Yes, I've read that Australia's aluminum farmers are suffering from droughts, causing a poor aluminum crop this year. Sad.
Ms. Read said that in addition to climate change, barley growers are grappling with competition from other forms or land use, such as the dairy industry.
"In addition to" = "completely because of the other thing but a story about land use competition from milk producers won't get your story published"
The next headline coming if you jerkoffs don't get with the program?
Global Warming Causing Scarcity of Tits, Ass
Benny Hill Fans, NBA Players Hardest Hit
Thanks to krakatoa.