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April 08, 2008
Rev. Wright Former Muslim, Apparently Quit that Religion as Not Being Hardcore Enough
I had written before that "Reverend" Wright's version of "Christianity" seemed pretty much a rehash of Nation of Islam black-nationalism-with-Islamic-cachet but with the serial numbers filed off and all references to "Mohammad" changed to "Jesus."
Yeah, I guess there's a reason for that.
Incidentally, Allah Pundit finds the fact that Obama's father was a communist to be irrelevant and furthermore an unfair rap.
I disagree.
The man has surrounded himself with radicals and stews in the same bubbling soup of crazy as Louis Farrakhan. He hangs out with terrorist like Bill Ayers. He courts black liberation "theology" firebrands, bigots, and conspiracy theorists as political (and not really spiritual) mentors.
Every politician is examined not just as to what he claims to believe but as to what he actually does believe but does not say so in an effort to appear more moderate and acceptable to the greatest number of voters.
If Obama were truly a moderate, it would indeed be irrelevant as to his dad's hardcore socialism/communism. But given that Obama seems by all available evidence to be a fairly hardcore lefty/radical himself, it seems reasonable to inquire as to the nature of his political education and real political beliefs.
Given the cast of characters surrounding Obama, his dad's communism is not merely an irrelevant biographical trivium. It seems that he's devoted to many of, perhaps most of, his father's egregiously bad ideas and intends to smuggle them into the White House in a Trojan Horse, or rather a Trojan Change Hope and Healing.
Bear in mind he's never been asked about any of this, and even confronted with Rev. Wright's vile anti-Americanism and apparent anti-semitism still the press gives Obama a pass.
If Obama never shared his father's ideology, or did once but abandoned it, I'd like to hear when, how, and why on that. And I'd like to know why, if it is the case he's not a radical like Pops Obama, he seems to prefer the company of political radicals.
All politicians are limited by political reality as to what they can actually achieve. Nevertheless, it's a worthy inquiry as to what Barack Obama would do in office if he could pass every bit of his agenda -- the unstated agenda that he doesn't talk about much, I mean. We generally inquire into politician's true psychopolitical make-up and, in fact, treat assumptions about that as more important and more indicative of actual performance than a politician's stated agenda, which, we all know, is 99% bullshit and blather anyhow.
Why does Obama get a pass on all this? Why is this the one politician we're expected to take at his word?
On faith, if you will. Which seems to be the more appropriate word here.
h/t Man of Substance/The Only Important One on That Lighting Board.