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April 04, 2008
Tanzania takes firm stand on Ritual Albino Killings [krakatoa]
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete has condemned witchdoctors who kill albinos and harvest their body parts in the hope it will bring prosperity.
He said 19 albinos had been murdered since March 2007, and another two were missing presumed dead in the east African country.
"Sometimes, word spreads around that body parts of people with certain physical attributes like bald people or albinos contribute greatly to attaining quick prosperity," Kikwete said in a monthly state of the nation speech late on Wednesday.
He added* that the ritual harvesting of hobos and Scandis were acceptable alternatives, although in the case of hobos, it must occur in regulated hobo preserves by the most humane methods available.
*or I added -- sometimes these things get garbled in the translation.

posted by xgenghisx at
02:14 AM
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