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April 02, 2008
Michael Yon + Al Qaeda + Whorehouse + Gay Informants = Automatic Link

"Holy Brothel," from MichaelYonOnline.com. Pic republished here only to reduce bandwidth strain and not to claim ownership.
Contains a verb use I appreciate, "mulched."
The few remaining serious troublemakers are being hacked off and mulched in these incessant operations, which gives the enemy no rest (in the old days, when they were murdering Iraqis and Americans by the thousands, AQI used Tal Afar for training and R&R).
These types of terrorists used to lay up with prostitutes in downtown Tal Afar, which isn’t so uncommon – for years brothels have been an excellent source of information against al Qaeda from Mosul to Baghdad. The al Qaeda terrorists don’t save themselves for the seventy two virgins promised to suicide bombers. They love drugs, prostitutes, and the power of the gun.
The gay al Qaeda informant in Moment of Truth in Iraq is classic. Whenever his al Qaeda lovers abused him, he supplied American forces information to kill them.
Ohh, snap! Fuck me? No, fuck you.
Yon's book is set for release April 23rd.
PS, the writing on that guy's chest is a later photo enhancement, not by Yon's hand but earlier in the chain of custody, and is not a tattoo.
Thanks to UnMe.