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March 21, 2008
Terror At 20,000 Feet, Starring Hillary Clinton
Note: Some sequences have been fictionalized for dramatic purposes.
"I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."
--Hillary Clinton, speech at George Washington University, March 17, 2008.
Hillary Clinton has been regaling supporters on the campaign trail with hair-raising tales of a trip she made to Bosnia in March 1996. In her retelling, she was sent to places that her husband, President Clinton, could not go because they were "too dangerous." When her account was challenged by one of her traveling companions, the comedian Sinbad, she upped the ante and injected even more drama into the story. In a speech earlier this week, she talked about "landing under sniper fire" and running for safety with "our heads down."
There are numerous problems with Clinton's version of events.

Pictured: Hillary at the Bosnian airfield where sniper fire caused her to duck and run for vehicles. We see her here coolly ducking a whizzing bullet while attempting to shield a child from hollowpointed death.
No, really, on that picture, by the way. I mean, that is in fact the greeting ceremony where this sniper fire was puncturing the landscape.
As a reporter who visited Bosnia soon after the December 1995 Dayton Peace agreement, I can attest that the physical risks were minimal during this period, particularly at a heavily fortified U.S. Air Force base, such as Tuzla....
Had Hillary Clinton's plane come "under sniper fire" in March 1996, we would certainly have heard about it long before now. Numerous reporters, including the Washington Post's John Pomfret, covered her trip. A review of nearly 100 news accounts of her visit shows that not a single newspaper or television station reported any security threat to the First Lady....
Far from running to an airport building with their heads down, Clinton and her party were greeted on the tarmac by smiling U.S. and Bosnian officials. An eight-year-old Moslem girl, Emina Bicakcic, read a poem in English. An Associated Press photograph of the greeting ceremony, above, shows a smiling Clinton bending down to receive a kiss.
"There is peace now," Emina told Clinton, according to Pomfret's report in the Washington Post the following day, "because Mr. Clinton signed it. All this peace. I love it."
You know what the ultimate peace is, little girl?
The sudden, welcome death that rides on an assassin's bullet.
Be grateful the fearless First Lady spared you such a peaceful oblivion, little girl.
Via Kaus, who continues to be the only liberal-leaning commentator in America who did not have an aneurysm-inducing orgasm over Obama's speech.