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Peep Show »
March 21, 2008
NY Hero…Man Jumps Across Subway Tracks To Save Stranger
Maybe not the biggest news story of the day but still pretty cool.
Meet Veeramuthu Kalimuthu, aka “Kali”.
A man had fallen onto the tracks from the opposite platform, all the way on the other side of the station.
"People were getting their cell phones out trying to call the police, somebody's got to help him and then I looked over and I saw the gentlemen Kali jump down, hop over the rails," said witness Ed Dijoseph…
Kali made it across three sets of tracks, and knew about the three third rails, which are electrified with 600 volts -- enough to push a 400-ton train.
…Just getting to the man was hard enough, but once he got to him he had to deal with the fact that the victim was a good 30-40 pounds heavier than he was. Kali is just 5-foot-5 and 150 pounds. Add to that the fact that at 5 p.m. rush hour trains come through that section of track every three minutes.
…With the help of someone on the platform, Kali hoisted the guy up.
"I think within a minute after he got the man up the train heading Uptown came by," Dijoseph said. "If Kali hadn't moved him I truly … I really believe that the train would've killed him."
See, not all New Yorkers are sex obsessed Governors.
Our hero is also modest. He didn’t call the media, others did. Our man just ran back across the tracks (not the smartest idea), caught his train and went home.

posted by DrewM. at
03:19 PM
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