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March 20, 2008
Document Dump
I'm burned out and either I'm just going to dump this all or I'll never get around to it. Contra my crap blogging today, there's news busting out all over.
Hot Air: Hillary pushing Wright story on superdelegates. She has her predicate: I never understood why the superdelegates would turn to her, trailing in both delegates and popular vote, when she was the weaker candidate. But now Hillary -- Hillary! (?) -- appears that she may be stronger. She can thus make a decent pitch; Sure, I'm a little behind, but that's only because the media didn't do its job and expose Obama for the flawed (perhaps fatally) candidate he really is.
Obama racked up his small lead before the Wright stuff broke. Once again, the media's lack of "intellectual curiosity" for any story that might bite a Democrat in the ass hurts the Democrats: They can protect Democrats, but not forever.
Be sure to watch that interview with Anderson Cooper. Note that Obama... eh, I'll save that for a full post.
Newsbusters: Yes, a study of the Craig, Vitter, and Spitzer scandals demonstrates conclusively that Republicans are always tagged with party identification in a sex scandal, while Democrats almost never are.
Hot Air: Obama sinking like a rock in important state polls (general election swing states and upcoming primary states), both against Hillary and especially McCain.
Gotta watch that hate, son. One day it's gonna burn you up.
Hot Air: Media continues insisting McCain made a "mistake" in stating that Iran assists Al Qaeda. Military intelligence, and simple normal human intelligence, strongly disagrees.
NewsBusters: And on that point-- NBC desperately flailing to change the story from Wright's wrong remarks to McCain's right ones.
CNN: Governor Breesden of Tennessee suggest a "Superdelegate Primary" -- that is, a pre-convention convention -- so that superdelegates can cast their votes before the convention and stop the bloody brawl between Clinton and Obama while the wounds still have time to heal.
LGF: Washington Post forced to correct reporter's completely made-up quote, supposedly by Brit Hume, that Rev. Wright "blames whites."
MKH: Obama squandered his opportunity to actually start this whole "healing" process we've heard so very much about. Squandered? Bullshit. He never had any intention of healing anything except his own ailing political fortunes.
Update: Geraldine Ferraro: Oh hell's no he didn'!
Oh yes he did: He just equated you to his hate-spewing Spiritual Guru.