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March 19, 2008
Paul Complains About Neocon GOP
Ron Paul is upset that John McCain and the GOP are ignoring him and his followers. Well, I think he is complaining. It's hard to tell with a voice like that, it sounds like he's always whining about something.
Ron Paul says the legions of newcomers his presidential campaign brought to the Republican Party are getting the cold shoulder from John McCain and from the party.
The Texas congressman says neither he nor his supporters have heard from Mr. McCain or Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan since March 4, when the Arizona senator accumulated enough delegates to clinch the party's presidential nomination.
There are several reasons for that, Ron:
(1) You spent the last five years saying Republicans have abandoned the Right and the U.S. Constitution. You happily insulted the President, the leader of our Party. Then you spent the last year bashing the presidential candidates.
(2) You consort with racists and conspiracy theorists. That makes you and your followers tainted goods. When you walk down the street, people want to cross to the other side; when you enter a room, Republicans have to fight the urge to say, "Uh, he's not with us."
(3) The central themes of your campaign, foreign policy withdrawal and a suicidal rejiggering of American finance, are non-starters. Yeah, you got a whole bunch of idiots to run around clucking, "Gold Standard, Gold Standard," but John McCain isn't even going to nod politely in that direction. Same for your foreign policy plans. It's just crazy and stupid. Which means we have nothing to offer you. Stop following us around, it's embarrassing.
(4) Most importantly, you haven't quite pulled out of the presidential race, which means you are still our competitor. You make like you're going back to run for your seat in Texas, but then you keep raising money for your presidential candidacy. You announce a "refocusing of goals," but then you refuse to take your name out of the remaining contests. You need to get in or get out. But with you standing there in the doorway like that, we've all got the term "spoiler" running through our heads. We're not doing you any favors until you roll over, bub. I'm sure you understand.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:21 PM
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