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March 19, 2008
Show Jumper: Couple Turns Their Beloved, Deceased Dogs Into... Sweaters
Angora woof.
Thanks to Jen.
There's real news out there. I'm getting to it, okay?
Correction: RTFA, Ace. RTFA. (Read the fucking article.)
Pajama Momma:
Although I did know these were not pelts, but hair spun into yarn, the Daily Mail's hed is misleading, as is mine:
Because the couple have had his and hers jumpers knitted out of the hair moulted by the pedigree pets and spun into yarn.
I love how daily mail's headline leaves you to believe these were made from their pets dead bodies, but if you actually read the article, it says they were made from fur that fell off the animals when they were alive.
Still kinda odd however. I prefer my clothes from sweatshops.