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March 16, 2008
Pro-Hillary Kos Diarist "On Strike"
Finds Lefty Vitriol Disturbing And Corrosive; No Fuckin' Shit, Shirley
What happens when you have a party that is obsessed with lockstep adherence to party policy and also obsessed with identity politics?
A war over gender and race. Well, it's a war over personal character as well, but what that term actually means to a lefty seems rather backward, considering their candidates.
Diarist Alegre is taking her ball and going home.
It's a Kos link, so you might want to deny him the traffic. But it's almost worth it for the divisive commenty goodness under the post.
I’ve decided to go on "strike" and will refrain from posting here as long as the administrators allow the more disruptive members of our community to trash Hillary Clinton and distort her record without any fear of consequence or retribution. I will not be posting at DailyKos effective immediately. I will not help drive up traffic or page-hits as long as my candidate – a good and fine DEMOCRAT - is attacked in such a horrid and sexist manner not only by other diarists, but by several of those posting to the front page.
Instead, I will put my energy into posting at sites where my efforts aren’t routinely trashed, spammed and ridiculed by a handful of angry, petty and spiteful folks who clearly have too much time on their hands.
A sample from the comments:
Let the Shillarys walk...
Hillary has abandoned the Democratic party, in an even more destructive way than Joe Lieberman did. She does not deserve our support; her shills have earned our scorn and derision.
Instead of simply joining forces with the Republitards, she and her campaign have worked to re-define the term "Democrat" as "people who support Hillary Clinton as the only true choice for President in 2008."
As her campaign foundered, she blamed the media (and not her own complete lack of a post-Super Tuesday strategy), and clearly indicated her preference for John McCain over Obama if the latter leads the Democratic ticket. She, and her staff, has played the kind of dirty politics we expect from Karl Rove. Racism, coupled with false claims of sexism, is now the language spoken by her entire organization.
Small wonder that the Left has turned against her: she turned against us first! No surprise that our admiration for, and support of, Obama grows by leaps and bounds.
So, I urge anyone who wishes to follow Alegre to do so. I also urge kos to close the door behind them, and change the locks.
We are stronger for having shed Joe Lieberman and his camp followers, and we will be stronger still when the last Hillary apologists have left the building.
As a true Liberal, I was always appalled by the raw hatred directed at Hillary by the Ridiculous Right. Now, I'm starting to understand it...
I'm not a Democrat, I'm a liberal. Democrats go to meetings.
by willie horton on Fri Mar 14, 2008 at 06:17:20 PM PDT
The only thing missing is "I'm John McCain, and I support this message."
Thanks to Stop The ACLU.

posted by Laura. at
10:16 AM
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