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March 13, 2008
Shocker: NYT Misreported and Sugarcoated Obama's Pastor's Hate-Filled (and Anti-Jew) Statements
Compare the rather anodyne precis the NYT reported previously with Brian Ross' fuller account.
What, NYT? Were Wright's comments not juicy nor interesting enough to be worthy of printing?
Gee, they seem sort of interesting to me. One might even say incendiary.
The NYT usually reports on-- or at least used to report on, before Jews were officially lowered in the Ethnic Grievance Pecking Order -- arguably anti-Jewish slurs, and I'd have to say that stating that "Zionism" (wink, fucking wink) is animated by "white racism" at least qualifies as, well, worthy of reportage.
So I'd really sorta like to know why the NYT skipped out on a nice juicy scoop.
Tell me, NYT: Were you all absent the day they taught journalism in journalism school?
Thanks to CJ.