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February 27, 2008
Harry Reid….Jackass
This is a little inside baseball but it nicely demonstrates just what tools the Democrats are.
Reid and Dick Durbin are accusing Senate Republicans of ‘stalling’ debate on a housing bailout bill. How did those nasty Republicans do that? By voting FOR a motion Reid himself made.
Yesterday Reid brought up a bill that would have cut off funding for the troops in Iraq and set a withdrawal date. They seem to do this every week or so, I imagine it’s a fundraising tactic. Normally the Republicans filibuster, the nutroots hit the donate button and business goes on.
But the evil Republicans didn’t play by the rules and called Harry’s bluff basically saying, ‘hey, there’s a lot of good shit going on in Iraq to talk about, so let’s have it’. This sets the stage for 30 hours of floor debate on Iraq.
Now Reid is upset that he can’t bring up the housing bailout bill and because the Republicans exposed him as a craven jackass who uses money for the troops as part of just another legislative game to be played.
And to top things off by demonstrating just how clueless he is, Reid said yesterday that ‘a civil war rages’ in Iraq. Harry? You need some updated talking points.
So when Senate Democrats say they ‘support the troops’, remember what they really mean is they support their use as a political weapon but not much else.

posted by DrewM. at
11:37 AM
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