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McCain's Campaign Finance Problem »
February 25, 2008
Mitt's Son: Romney Could Jump Back Into the Race
Yes, I have been thinking about this possibility myself.
And I've been avoiding commenting on the McCain situation.
I've beat up on him a lot, and did not much like the idea of beating up on him over a sleazy, dubiously-sourced NYT hit piece.
I am an adult and so are most of you, at least according to nominal age.
I believe men and women spend large amounts of time together for one reason and one reason alone.
ED EXLEY: Why is Lynn Bracken seeing Bud White?
PIERCE PATCHETT: Why do men and women usually see each other, detective?
I am not convinced that there was enough improper here to sink his candidacy. It could be she really grooved on him. It could be she was just using her attractiveness to attempt to advance her employer's agenda, and McCain was, being a man, not going to call the cops just because a hot woman wanted to hang around with him a lot.
It could be he was attracted to her but never took that last step that turns it from ill-advised flirtation to betrayal.
Or it could be the more typical reason.
It's not that men and women can't be "friends," as they supposedly are. Or that women can only offer one thing to a man. I rather like women. I like talking to them. Even the ones I'm not sleeping with.
However, as regards that latter category... well, I'm not sure if there's ever been a woman I genuinely liked "as a friend" where I didn't also ponder that there may be some other interest we might have in common, and not one of the ones "friends" usually enjoy together, such as bowling or making fun and sexy photo-collages of Andre Agassi in his mulletted prime (sigh).
This could all be, ultimately, mostly nothing. And mostly nothing is good enough, even though mostly nothing implies partly something.
On the other hand... maybe I'm just weak, and maybe the women I've known are also weak, but based on personal experience, I'm not buying that men and women suddenly become the fastest of friends, spending lots of time together, for no particular reason except "friendship."
I have actual friends (honestly!), and it doesn't work like that with friends. The evolution of a friendship takes a somewhat longer time, and there never is that level of frequency of contact, even with a newfound "best friend." Well, maybe in grade school when "best friends" were so amazing and all.
I really don't want to pound McCain over a sleazy story. But I've heard the "We're just friends!" story from a woman before, and to be honest, I think I've offered the "We're just friends!" story myself... once. And in neither case was that strictly speaking perfectly candid nor technically accurate.
I've suspected a sexual relationship between Maverick and Iseman ever since the volleyball scene.
Oh God... before he made the Maverick-Iceman/Iseman connection, I still held out hope this story was basically untrue.
Now I fail to see how it could possibly be anything but true.
I don't think I believe in God, but I do believe this: He has a wicked sense of humor.