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February 23, 2008
B-2 Stealth Bomber Crashes; Pilots Unharmed; Armaments Did NOT Include Sens. Kerry, Biden, and Hagel
The plane crashed because the pilots were attempting to hijack necessary weapons and equipment from a passing Cesna.
A B-2 stealth bomber plunged to the ground shortly after taking off from an air base in Guam on Saturday, the first time one crashed, but both pilots ejected safely, Air Force officials said.
The aircraft was taking off with three others on their last flight out of Guam after a four-month deployment, part of a continuous U.S. bomber presence in the western Pacific. After the crash, the other three bombers were being kept on Guam, said Maj. Eric Hilliard at Hickham Air Force Base in Hawaii.
At least one B-2 bomber had taken off safely from Andersen Air Force Base but was brought back when another aircraft plunged to the ground.
There were no injuries on the ground or damage to buildings, and no munitions were on board. Each B-2 bomber costs about $1.2 billion to build.
Yeah, I know. For that $1.2 billion we could have built like ten schools.
Guys? Hate to burst your bubble, but schools cannot fly and drop bombs on brown people.
So I don't understand the point.
Thanks to Cuffy and Report on Arrakis.