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February 12, 2008
Hey Kids, Guess What’s On The Menu…Amnesty!
The bastards just won't quit.
Apparently not contented to wait for a pro-amnesty President to be elected (whoops, we already did that), House Democrats are working on a plan to give every illegal alien currently in the US a ‘temporary’ 5 year visa.
Of course there will be the fines and the background checks. You remember the criminal background checks… the ones that Homeland Security and the FBI can’t get done for people waiting on the list to get in legally but will magically get done for millions and millions of illegals. Now about this bridge I have for sale in Brooklyn….
This is all coming up now because there are some ‘conservative’ House Democrats who are pushing for an enforcement only bill and of course that’s got the liberals in the House all in a flutter.
When does McCain get asked about all of this and is it good enough for you if he says either, this is a hypothetical bill and he won’t comment on it or just repeats his lessons learned spiel?
First, this is not for those with weak hearts. LauraW sent me this link and described her reaction thusly…”I could feel my carotid artery throb, and the right side of my face became paralyzed. It's quite stimulating.”
Now she’s a hunchback so she can take it. You? Maybe not so much.
The President of Mexico knows what’s wrong with the US…people who don’t love open borders.
"The worst thing that happened in this country is this anti-Mexican or anti-immigrant perception of people. We need to contain this," Calderon said after a speech at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
"I need to change in Mexico the perception that the Americans are the enemy, and it is important to change the perception that the Mexicans are the enemy," he said. "We are neighbors, we are friends and we must be allies."
By my count this is the 8,542 time I’ve had to say this…it’s not the immigrants. It’s not the Mexicans. It’s the ILLEGAL part that I and I think most other enforcement types object to. Of course, that's a distinction the President never gets around to making.
But really there’s almost no point in making this argument. The open borders types never argue facts, they simply paint sympathetic pictures of the illegal immigrants and call everyone else racist.
BTW- If Mexicans view us as ‘the enemy’ why are so many of them risking their lives to come here?

posted by DrewM. at
11:41 AM
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