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February 08, 2008
CPAC Blogger of the Year Award
Well, the Moron-in-Chief won the Blogger of the Year award at CPAC. Hopefully he will be along in a while to tell us all about it. For now, here is John Hawkin's experience of meeting Ace:
Ace runs a pretty wild blog, uses a lot of profanity, and so I'm thinking, "Hey, here's a great opportunity for a 'Coulter' moment. Ace could come out wearing a Motorhead 'Ace of Spades' t-shirt, spit beer into the crowd, drop a few F-bombs. This could be great!"
So, when I finally see Ace I am completely and utterly shocked because he sort of looks like Mark Steyn. But, I figure, "Hey, maybe the guy is just dressed up for the convention, you know like a thug who gets dressed up for court."
But, then Ace starts to talk and -- dude, he sounds like a political science professor. He talks about the differences between European and American political parties and I am wondering if somebody conked Ace on the head and replaced him with a local college professor.
This echoes my experience meeting Ace at Aceapalooza West. He is soooo laid back. What California people label "chill."
Thanks to Dr. Remulak for the link.
MORE: I didn't mean for that to sound passive-aggressive up there. I'm genuinely pleased that Ace won Blogger of the Year. My congratulations, chief. I'm even more pleased that Ace decided to go to CPAC this year. For a while, it sounded like he wasn't planning to go.
His win nicely dovetails with the observation two weeks ago that several important figures in the nomination contest are regular readers of Ace, including campaign staff and at least one candidate. With that kind of readership, it seems clear that his recognition at CPAC, in the Weblog Awards, and in several other awards is well-deserved.
Keep up the good work, Ace.
UPDATE: Jack M. I think we all know the key to Ace's success. In fact, I'm pretty sure it can be summed up in two words: Epic. Poems.
Grats, Dude!
UPDATE to the UPDATE [Dave in Texas]: Newsbusters blurb here.
Update to the Update to the... [Slublog] - Andrew Sullivan "congratulates" Ace on his award. Thanks to "Jack" in the comments.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:30 PM
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