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January 29, 2008
McCain's Cloakroom Straight Talk, The Kind You Don't See On The Hustings
He's "gotten it," I guess:
McCain stood in the middle of the GOP cloakroom and yelled at several of his Senate colleagues because they deigned to have a vote to have a vote on Inhofe's "English As the National Language" amendment to the 2006 immigration bill. He accused conservatives of being "divisive" and "insulting" Latinos for suggesting that immigrants ought to learn this language. He was nasty and unhinged. About 10 staffers witnessed this. He delighted in telling the conservative senators there that they were destroying the party with these efforts. This is what Santorum is talking about. He had antipathy for social and cultural conservatives' efforts.
That's from a senate source of Ramesh Ponuru's, one he says is trustworthy.
Meanwhile, as Barack Obama promises drivers licenses for all and a Comprehensive Piece of Shit in his first year, Mickey Kaus sees a reason to vote for Democrats:
Obama's bold Hispandering makes me eager to defeat ... McCain! Given the likelihood that either Obama or Hillary will be in the White House in 2009, it would be good to have at least one party that isn't formally committeed to rapid legalization and can therefore act as a check on the Democratic candidates' impulses. The only way to achieve that is to make it clear that, within the Republican party, self-righteous pro-legalization activism is a political loser. Beating McCain is the way to drive that message home.
True enough, Kaus often sees reasons to vote for Democrats, chiefly for the reason that he is, in fact, a Democrat. But I'm kinda getting on this Obama train myself... I need to be healed, and he says he'll heal me. Healing's good.
Santorum Speaks: He won't talk about specific things McCain said (why the hell not?), but offers up this nugget:
the one that comes quickly to mind was a ban on cloning. While the House passed a cloning ban at least on one occasion, we never voted on the issue despite pleas from social conservatives as to its importance. Many senators including Senator McCain wanted to avoid casting votes.
Can you smell that pipin' hot Straight Talk crackling on the skillet?