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January 14, 2008
Fred Tied For Second In SC* [Updated] - [Liberrocky]
*Well sorta. He is actually in fourth but well with in the margin of error.
Fred's tank is up above 950k.
HT: Allah
Update: The Jawas have graph that looks pretty Fredalicious.
That's One Way To Put It... [Ace]: And at Fred '08, they are putting it that way. It is true enough; he's at 16% and rising and Huck and Rudy are only slightly ahead.
But his friend John McCain is at 28%. It's not like there's not a lot of polite but firm disagreement he can offer to contrast himself with Senator McAmnesty. The latest "Straight Talk" on taxes would make for a good ad.
But he's not doing it, or at least not making any sort of comparisons with John McCain that would actually hurt John McCain.
Thompson's gotten most of the soft Huckabee supporters he can get. (His gains are Huck's losses in the latest poll.) So attacking Huckabee is now on the bad side of diminishing returns.
On the other hand, there's McCain's 28% and all those supporters who are willing to throw in with him, but not particularly eager to do so.
McCain's newfound support is very shaky, very contingent, and very soft. I'm kinda-sorta in that camp. I'm coming around to the idea of a McCain candidacy and selling myself on the positives. But I'm still looking for a good alternative. Is Fred going to man up and whack McCain and take his voters?
Or is he just fucking around?

posted by xgenghisx at
06:15 PM
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